Blog - Letter To The Editor in The Villages

To the Editor:

Barrack Obama promised this nation transparency and transformation. What he gave us, often under the cover of darkness, was leading from behind and an out of control Administrative State. His Administration and Party instead of unifying people, dog whistled hints of racism and divisiveness using the faithful Fourth Estate as its conduit.
Obama and Party juxtapositions our friends in favor of our enemies. Progressive political actors move with impunity from one scandal to the next. Obama politicized the DOJ and the FBI and a politicized FBI has the makings of a KGB. Obama and Party’ s ideology and ultimate goal is internationalism, known as a One World Order.
Obama and Party continue this socialist expansion utilizing identity politics and progressive collectives. Identity politics operates under the pretense of social justice and inclusion but sow seeds of divisiveness and discontent. And, progressive collectives should not be confused with community where the latter demands individualism and critical thinkers.
In 2016, much to their chagrin, Washington, Hollywood and the media were taken aback by their political loss of power and the promise of a One World Order, decimated by voters demanding a return to nationalism, traditionalism and the rule of law. Voters also underscored the founders belief of while “Governments are instituted among Men, they deriving their power from the consent of the governed”. Essentially, voters instinctively understood that nationalism depends on the sanctity of the individual over the collective.
Make no mistake this is a battle for the very soul of America. Obama and Obama detractors continue their attempts to de-rail Trump’s nationalist agenda. But here we are a growing economy, tax reform, a genuine foreign policy, an enemy on the run, respect restored for military and law enforcement. It appears, Trump’s detractors, hateful and deceitful accusations and claims while fanciful are not factual.

Dennis Petrucelli
Village of Bonnybrook