Blog - TOP DOG

We have nominated and sometimes elected Republicans to enforce the Constitution and battle the progressives, but what we get are a bunch of sheep meekly allowing the democrats to destroy the nation.
George W. Bush did not fight back at democrat lies and distortions (Bush lied people died). John McCain refused to attack Obama's anti-American and communist upbringing. Or his 20 year association with Reverend Wright, and terrorist Ayers and his family.
Mitt Romney likewise did not fight back against Harry Reid lying on the Senate floor, saying that Romney hadn't paid taxes for 10 years and others.
We have a combination sheep dog and pit bull running for president, who will herd the sheep and not take any of the democrats lies. He will fight back.
Donald Trump within moments, struck back at Clinton for her sexism remark about him. He threatened to go full blast at her support of Bill after his many assaults on women, and her demonizing those women. This immobilized Bill and shut her up about the war on women. He will not meekly accept lies or hold back on criticizing democrats. He didn't with the other candidates. He is our TOP DOG, finally.